Where NMT Students Should Go For Help
Wondering where to go with a problem or issue? This page will point you in the right direction.
- Need tutoring for one or more of your classes? The Office for Student Learning (OSL) staff should be able to help you.
- Need assistance with your class? “Office Hours” = “Student Hours”! Be sure to take advantage of them! These are hours, typically listed on the syllabus, instructors set aside for students to stop by and ask questions about their homework, exams, and class material. Students can also ask how faculty got interested in their discipline and what challenges they faced as students. Before they were faculty, they were students just like you!
- Need additional assistance with Mathematics? Visit the Mathematics Helproom in Weir 220 or the OSL. Assistance is available for all classes through Calculus III. See when help sessions are availabile by visiting the Calendar of OSL and Weir 220 help room sessions.
- Information on MATH TAs in the OSL.
- MATH Help Room Hours in Weir 220.
- All MATH TAs can help with Calculus II and below. For additional assistance beyond Calculus II, MATH TA specialties can be found here.
- Need help with a writing assignment or your thesis? Visit the Writing and Communication Lab.
- Worried about your academic progress and/or performance? Please consult with the Dean for Student Success Initiaitves, Ms. Elaine DeBrine Howell (elaine.debrinehowell@thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com; 575-835-5208; Joseph A. Fidel Student Services Center, Rm. 237).
- Feeling depressed or stressed out? Our Counseling Center can help. Degree seeking students may also access TeleHealthcare services through Uwill (found under "New Clients").
- Need to request an accommodation based on a disability? Our Student Access Services office can help.
- Need to miss class or withdraw from NMT for a reason beyond your control? These requests are handled by our Dean of Students Office.
- Concerned about an academic policy or having trouble with an instructor? Visit our Student Complaints/Grievances for Academic Issues page.
- Looking for an academic policy? They are on our Academic Policies and Procedures page.
- Need to report sexual discrimination or harassment? Visit New Mexico Tech's Title IX Office page for more information or report an incident here.
- Concerned about another student's behavior? You should report it to the New Mexico Tech Behavioral Intervention Team.
- Concerned about cheating or research misconduct? Report the violation via New Mexico Tech's Academic Honesty and Research Integrity Resource page.
- Concerned about racial or other forms of discrimination? Contact Mr. Randy Saavedra, Director Affirmative Action and Compliance/EEOC (randy.saavedra@thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com; 575-835-5005).
- Wish to submit any other kind of complaint? Contact the Dean of Students (deanofstudents@npe.thisvictoriahasnosecrets.com) or use this form